Students Achievements
Master Raaz Mahla selected in Thal Sainik Camp held in Delhi for shooting (25 meter Mark 4 Rifle). He also selected for Athletics KVS Natinal Games 2024-25
S.R. Yadav TGT-English Because of proper planning, hardworking and remarkable co-operation from the parents and my fellow beings, I could get 80.41 PI in the session 2023-24 that stands 2nd in Jaipur Region.
Mr. Rajesh Bijarniya secured 1st position at Regional Level with PI in Maths standarad-90 and Maths Basic -88.28 in Jaipur Region
Mrs. Shalini Paliwal teaches biology and science to higher secondary students. She secured 1st position at Region level with 91.67 PI in Jaipur Region.
Master Raaz Mahla selected in Thal Sainik Camp held in Delhi for shooting (25 meter Mark 4 Rifle). He also selected for Athletics KVS Natinal Games 2024-25